Bash Profile Setup

This page is meant to share tips to get your .cshrc or .bash_profile environments set up for use on your server.

Note: A .bashrc (.cshrc) file is very personal and you will have to tweak the instructions below to your own needs.

This content is directly borrowed from University of Washington's Astronomy grad students' wiki page.

You can also consult this manual, among others.


  1. ALIASES #


  1. various shortcuts to listing files

alias la 'ls -a'
alias ll 'ls -lh'
alias lal 'ls -lah'
alias lla 'ls -lah'

  1. After changes are made you need to source your bashrc (cshrc) file

alias setit 'source .bashrc'

  1. start your VNC server (geometry is the size of your laptop screen,
  2. minus 50 pixels for the apple menu bar at the top.)

alias startvnc 'vncserver -geometry 1440x850'

  1. figure out which directories are taking most storage space
  2. (starting from your current directory) so
  3. you know where to start cleaning things up

alias topdirs 'du -hsx * | sort -rh | head -30'




setenv PATH "path_to/your_package"$PATH

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